Wednesday, November 9, 2011

How to up-sell male clients from haircut to facial treatments

See what inspiration you can draw from this. What follows is my sales process for up-selling a male client from a haircut to a facial skin treatment. 

I derived it from small sale best practices combined with a few youtube videos of male hair consults, particularly this one:

Step One: Hair consultation

Goal of Hair consultation: Make the client comfortable with receiving advice from the stylist.

Consultation questions: 
- How do you feel about your hair at the moment?
- What do you really like and what do you really dislike about your hair?
- Do you change the style of your hair between work and going out at night?
- Is it challenging or simple for you to re-create the look that the stylist gives you when you're home the next day? (This one hits home for me.)

Insights from the stylist:
- Your hair is (Insert: Wavy, thick, fine, curly, cowlicked) which means (Insert: Something relevant to its cut or styling), What kind of product do you usually use?
- Given the input you've just given me I think we should (Insert: Cut or style)

Step Two: Skin consultation

Goal of skin consultation: Segue from giving insight on the clients hair type to giving advice on the clients skin type.

Once the haircut has started: 
- Give some insight into how the haircut you're giving them compliments their facial structure or skin tone. Ideally, you can tell them what sort of skin tone they have (Normal, Dry, Oily, Combination or Sensitive.)

Which gives way to a line of questioning: 
- What kind of moisturizing products do you use for your skin? 
- Do you use any facial washes? 

Step Three: The soft close

And you can then give the following insight: 
"We've found that most guys with skin type (Insert: Skin type) Benefit from a sequencing of products applied in one sitting about once every two weeks, so we hand picked our favorite products, came up with the ideal application and created "the oscar wilde" treatment designed to exfoliate, moisturize and refresh your skin. Most of our clients like it because it makes your skin feel brand new, kinda like you just came out of the womb. I think you'd enjoy the result if you've got 20 minutes to spare when we finish up this cut, and if you don't mind my hands on your face ;)"

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